“Dedicated to the advancement of sugar glider medicine & stewardship for Veterinarians and the pet owners they serve.”



Sugar Glider Sugar Bear Pairs 5


The internet is rife with speculation and personal opinions with little factual basis, about sugar glider sugar bears dying of loneliness if you have just one. This is nothing but personal agendas of people who like to distort the truth. In reality, sugar glider sugar bears, like most pets, would love to be with their own kind to play around with, so if you can afford, you can have at least two sugar glider sugar bears.


Being colony animals by nature living in groups of 6-15 in the wild, sugar glider sugar bears are quite social in nature, with a deep love for playing around. You will find that there are many pet owners who have just one sugar glider sugar bear, and they are very happy with their situation. This is mainly because the sugar glider sugar bear gets to spend at least a couple of hours with its owner, playing around and bonding with him.


Studies involving sugar glider sugar bears reveal that they are susceptible to boredom and can suffer from depression if there is less human contact than is optimal for them. You can look for early signs of depression in your sugar glider sugar bear – look for loss of appetite, sitting idle for long periods of time without much movement, excessive licking, fur pulling or self mutilation. Barking is also common sign that your sugar glider sugar bear is lonely, though it is difficult to conclude with certainty. For an existing pet sugar glider sugar bear, if you are intending to buy another one for company, do it soon. This is because the bonding between sugar glider sugar bears is the best when they are young, and hence they will strike it off immediately.


If you want older gliders to mingle, then you should go slow, first putting them in separate cages and making them get used to each other’s smell before you put them together. Even then, just be careful to watch out to make sure it is smooth. If you or your family can spend a couple of hours with your sugar glider sugar bear each day, it is going to be good; otherwise you should consider buying another one for companionship. 

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