“Dedicated to the advancement of sugar glider medicine & stewardship for Veterinarians and the pet owners they serve.”



Sugar Glider Sugar Bear Nail Care 1


As you know, sugar glider sugar bears in the wild glide from one tree to another (thus the name). This requires the presence of very sharp claws, which these animals possess. They cling on to wherever they land and they have an instinctual fear of falling, which means that they absolutely must have something to grasp on to in their surroundings, otherwise they will just stop moving around. This is the reason why it is not a good idea to actually clip a sugar glider sugar bear’s nails, as done with other pets. Instead, you should just file the tips so that it serves the dual purpose that your sugar glider sugar bear can still hold on to things and you feel comfortable with it. In order to file their nails, you can either just do it by hand using an ordinary nail file or you can use a special removable abrasive that can be inserted into their exercise wheel that can trim their nails.


This second option provides for a very convenient way to trim their nails and therefore many pet owners prefer this method as it automatically trims their pet’s nails. However, if you want to try this out, then you should absolutely make sure that the exercise wheel you are using is specifically for sugar glider sugar bears and not for other animals; like the hamster type exercise wheel, due to its long tail, will not work for sugar glider sugar bears.


You can, for example, use Run-o-Round from a company Pocket Pets as it comes with the removable abrasive and also works very well. What you have to do is put it in your pet’s cage before you go to bed and by morning you can find their nails trimmed, as this is done pretty quickly. Just make sure to remove it in the morning the other day, though. You can also use an ordinary file to accomplish this job, requiring generally two people and taking just a minute every few days, as one holds your glider and the other quickly swipes the tips in a backward motion, about 3-5 times per hand. Just remember not to file too much as your pet would then start sliding all around. 

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