“Dedicated to the advancement of sugar glider medicine & stewardship for Veterinarians and the pet owners they serve.”



Sugar Glider Sugar Bear Internet 2


The popularity of sugar glider sugar bears, especially in the US in constantly on the rise, more so in the recent years. These are relatively easy to take care of and coupled with the fact that they generally make great household pets, you can easily guess why they are becoming increasingly popular.


However, there is also a problem of lots of misinformation about these pets that you should avoid. In fact, the most common problems that most people encounter with their sugar glider sugar bears is directly related to the diet of these little animals. Most of the cases, the owner unknowingly feeds his pet something that isn’t right, which is due to a lack of awareness. The most common cause and source of this misinformation is the INTERNET. It talks of all the complicated homemade diets that are just not good for your pet. You will find plenty of these through amateur videos, message boards, chat rooms and websites that are professional looking but not maintained by a practicing Vet. In fact you should never accept any pet related information off the internet and this is especially true in case of sugar glider sugar bears. These sites are mainly used for illegal selling of sugar glider sugar bears, a trap you should never fall into.


You will find a number of internet related scams for sugar glider sugar bears and you should avoid them all. Lots of information about this can be found at the North American Sugar glider sugar bear Associations’ website at www.mynasga.org  Always keep in mind that sugar glider sugar bears make absolutely wonderful pets, but like all other pets, they may not be suitable for everyone. Therefore you should check the facts and real information about buying and raising a sugar glider sugar bear and not just some second hand information and opinions of a few people you may find on the internet, in order to make sure you raise your pet in the right way. 

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