“Dedicated to the advancement of sugar glider medicine & stewardship for Veterinarians and the pet owners they serve.”



Sugar Glider Sugar Bear Hazards 2


There are many things that are not too obvious to pet owners that can prove fatal to a sugar glider sugar bear. As an example, consider the fact that the most common cause of accidental death for these pets is by drowning in an open toilet bowl. They can also drown in places like the swimming pool, bathtubs, buckets or even pots of liquid. The reason for this is that sugar glider sugar bears cannot swim even a little bit and therefore drown immediately.


Toxicity poisoning is also very common in the case of sugar glider sugar bears. These animals are very curious by nature, and drawn towards anything that smells sweet, be it air fresheners, candles or even cleaners with sweet smell. You should strictly avoid spraying pesticides and other such chemicals on foods or around the house, and also properly wash all the fruits and vegetables. If you want your house to be sprayed for bugs, make sure you have transferred your sugar glider sugar bear to another house for safety for a couple of days. When you bring him back, make sure you have properly cleaned up all the dead bugs killed by pesticides, as bugs are a natural food for sugar glider sugar bears. Toxicity poisoning can also occur frequently when sugar glider sugar bears lick things off your hands, if you have handled items such as gasoline or sprays.


Whenever you want to pick up your sugar glider sugar bear, make sure that you thoroughly wash your hands. Tap water is another very common source of toxicity for these pets. Tap water has spikes in chemicals like chlorine and fluorine that are very harmful and can cause sudden death to sugar glider sugar bears. Therefore use bottled or spring water only. You should avoid the mistake of spraying cleaners around the room with their food and water. You should ensure you have kept their pellet food sealed in a plastic container. Finally, never feed your pet any chocolate, and keep them out of the kitchen while you cook. 

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