“Dedicated to the advancement of sugar glider medicine & stewardship for Veterinarians and the pet owners they serve.”



Sugar Glider Sugar Bear Gender 1

It is difficult for an average person to differentiate between male and female sugar glider sugar bears. However, the easiest way is that male sugar glider sugar bears that are not neutered have a bald spot on their head and chest, which are scent glands used to mark their territory, but once neutered, these bald spots fill in soon. Both male and female sugar glider sugar bears urinate and defecate from the same place and the intact males have a large scrotum just in front. Females have a pouch, like a kangaroo to carry their young ones, as sugar glider sugar bears are marsupials located in the place you would expect a belly button. There is little difference between a female and neutered male as house pets. Non neutered males have a strong odor and mark their territory strongly during puberty. Females cycle every 29 days but without any outward manifestations.


Each sugar glider sugar bear naturally has a different personality and choosing between a female or male sugar glider sugar bear should not be such an issue if you are able to spend enough time and train your pet well. Generally sugar glider sugar bear owners have an extreme view about these pets – either they find them mean, terrible and nasty creatures or they will find them to be the best pets possible. This is because of difference in owners and not sugar glider sugar bears. If the owner takes time to bond with their pet and trains the animal well while having a loving relationship with their pet, sugar glider sugar bears are generally great pets. Many problems also come when owners fall for misinformation that is available in plenty on the internet, especially on message boards and chat rooms. In fact, over 90% of sugar glider sugar bear problems that Vets encounter are a result of improper diet that is followed by taking advice from such websites or chat rooms. Also if you buy your sugar glider sugar bears from a quality licensed USDA breeder, he can tell you everything right about these little animals.

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