“Dedicated to the advancement of sugar glider medicine & stewardship for Veterinarians and the pet owners they serve.”



Sugar Glider Sugar Bear Feeding 5

Most of the health problems that you will ever encounter in your sugar glider sugar bear will invariably be related to malnutrition and other dietary issues. The reason this is so common is because pet owners tend to cater to the likings of their pet, and feed them excessive treats simply to watch their pet enjoy the food. This should not be done in excess, because just like human kids, these little animals would any day prefer to eat those foods that are sweet and taste good rather than select good nutritious food.


It is important that you do not submit to the whims of your sugar glider sugar bear as a pet owner and put your foot down to feed healthy nutritious food for your pet, though an occasional treat will do no harm. Sugar glider sugar bears would love to eat sweet foods and insects like crickets and mean worms, but the problem is these are low on nutritious content and high on sugar and fat content and so they are not healthy for your pet. These treats should make up a maximum of 5% of your pet’s diet, which means you can only feed your pet one treat a day which is small enough in size. Remember these are small animals and therefore should not be fed in excess.


Young sugar glider sugar bears should not be fed treats at least until they reach the age of 12-14 weeks out of the pouch, because younger animals do not have a well developed digestive system to digest these complex and strange foods for them. You should slowly start feeding treats to your sugar glider sugar bear and then look for any signs of trouble like diarrhea. Once you have made sure everything is fine, you know that particular treat suits your pet and can be given in future too.


Some common treats include flavored yogurt, applesauce, fruits like blueberry, etc. but should all be in moderation for your pet. Dehydrated foods can be good but are not as safe as organic foods because even if there are traces of toxins, they can be extremely harmful to your sugar glider sugar bear.

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