“Dedicated to the advancement of sugar glider medicine & stewardship for Veterinarians and the pet owners they serve.”



Sugar Glider Sugar Bear Dangerous Foods 2

It is important to take care of what you feed your sugar glider sugar bear, because it will eat quite a lot of things, especially because it is omnivorous. Sugar glider sugar bears are quite fond of anything sweet. You should take care your sugar glider sugar bear doesn’t eat any chocolate ever. It is the case with most pets but more so with sugar glider sugar bears as they are very small in size and even smaller intake of chocolate can be fatal for these little pets. The next important foods to avoid are diary products, which include cheese, ice cream, etc.


As a general rule, since most sugar glider sugar bears are lactose intolerant, you should keep such products down to a minimum or best avoid them altogether. However, you could break this general rule on the exception that most sugar glider sugar bears can take in small quantities of flavored yogurt regularly.


Next, you should avoid feeding your sugar glider sugar bear high risk fruits and vegetables that are treated with pesticides or that are very hard to clean thoroughly. Some of these kinds of fruits and vegetables include foods like blackberries, raspberries, broccoli cauliflower and other such similar foods.


Next, your sugar glider sugar bear should not be given most seeds and nuts, the reason being that they don’t really have a good nutritional value and are much higher in fat content. Your sugar glider sugar bear would certainly like these, however, so you can keep them for an occasional treat for your pet but don’t make it too frequent.


Next comes grapes and raisins, which are widely debated to be harmful but there are no really conclusive evidences to point to this. Therefore you can feed your pet one every once in a while which is done by a lot of sugar glider sugar bear owners without any problems.


Just remember to use caution and at the end of the day, use your own judgment here. finally, remember that anything fed in excess to a sugar glider sugar bear can cause problems and always remember they are quite tiny and little.

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