“Dedicated to the advancement of sugar glider medicine & stewardship for Veterinarians and the pet owners they serve.”



Sugar Glider Sugar Bear Dangerous Foods 1

You should be careful what to feed your sugar glider sugar bear, since it is an omnivore by nature, which means that it can eat just about anything they can find with special fondness for anything that tastes sweet. Due to this fondness for sweet, they can be easily drawn to chocolates, but you must remember never to feed them chocolate, just like a lot of other pets. You must keep in mind that due to their small size, even a small amount can prove to be fatal.


Apart from chocolate, you should also keep your sugar glider sugar bear away from diary products as well, such as cheese and ice creams. The simple reason for this is that sugar glider sugar bears are generally intolerant to lactose, which means that such products need to be avoided or kept at a bare minimum level. The only time you could make an exception to this would be if you fed your sugar glider sugar bear small amounts of flavored yogurt regularly.


Your sugar glider sugar bear should never be fed high risk fruits and vegetables as well, which include those fruits and vegetables that are treated with excessive pesticides or that are difficult to clean up properly. Some of these high risk foods would be blackberries, raspberries, broccoli and cauliflower. Then, you should generally avoid most nuts and seeds even though your sugar glider sugar bear will in all probability love to eat these foods. The reason is that they are very high in fat but lack a good nutritional value. Therefore you can keep them only for a rare occasional treat.


Finally about grapes and raisins, they are hotly debated on the internet, but as of now, there is no real evidence to show that they harm your sugar glider sugar bear if you feed them these foods once in a while, which is done by a lot of pet owners out there without any documented problems from their side. Therefore rely on your own judgment and use caution on grapes and raisins. At the end, remember that sugar glider sugar bears are small animals and you should not feed anything in excess, as this can be harmful to them.

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