“Dedicated to the advancement of sugar glider medicine & stewardship for Veterinarians and the pet owners they serve.”



Sugar Glider Sugar Bear Buying 5

Since the breeding of sugar glider sugar bears is federally regulated, you must make sure that you buy your pet only from someone holding a valid USDA license. The regulations are to protect the animals and therefore it is essential to follow. With the advent of widespread use of internet, you will now find many selling sugar glider sugar bears illegally over the net. The problem is especially acute with the so called rescues of sugar glider sugar bears. Therefore make it a point to meet your breeder in person and never buy over the internet. Most breeders don’t allow you to hold the babies, but insist on holding the adults. This can give you invaluable information, as their breeding should make the adults friendly and easy to handle, and you can expect your own sugar glider sugar bear to grow into a similar adult.


Ask questions and listen to the answers that the breeder gives. They should be friendly, knowledgeable and passionate. Also make sure there is continuous support even after you have bought your pet and a customer service program for questions and emergencies. You must also make sure that your sugar glider sugar bear has a written health guarantee that must be given to you on purchase, with a 2-3 day free replacement period and a paid replacement period for a few days more.


The babies should be 8-12 weeks old when adopted, as they bond the best in this period. Male sugar glider sugar bears should come neutered. As sugar glider sugar bears breed very slowly, it is difficult to find them for pick up ready on the spot. Therefore you may have to pay upfront and wait for your pet to arrive. You should also take care of the fact that to get the illegal online market flourishing, they really try to slander the reputable breeders, and therefore you should not trust sources such as chatrooms and message boards.

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