“Dedicated to the advancement of sugar glider medicine & stewardship for Veterinarians and the pet owners they serve.”



Sugar Glider Sugar Bear Buying 2

You must make sure that the person selling you a sugar glider sugar bear holds a valid USDA License, which is very important because their breeding is federally regulated to promote the animal’s health and some states require a proof of the same. You must never buy your pet over the internet, being full of illegal breeders. Since most reputable breeders don’t allow strangers to hold the babies, ask to hold the adults. These adults should be very friendly and easy to handle, like you want in your own pet. Also, these should not be restrained in any way and the breeder should be more than happy to let you play with the adults.


The breeder should be knowledgeable, passionate and professional. After you buy your sugar glider sugar bear, the support from your breeder should be good, with high quality educational programs and guidance along with a prompt customer service for questions and emergencies. You should ask for a written health guarantee of your sugar glider sugar bear. Also make sure that there is a 2-3 day free replacement period in case of an untimely death of your pet. Good breeders give you a longer paid replacement period and also neuter male babies.


It is best to adopt your sugar glider sugar bear when it is 8-12 weeks old, as it is the best time for bonding. Because sugar glider sugar bears breed very slowly, it is rare to find them ready for pickup; instead you may have to order them by paying upfront. There is a huge illegal market for sugar glider sugar bears that you should avoid at any cost. Also, to get customers buy from them, these illegal breeders try to slander the reputed and genuinely good breeders in internet chatrooms and message boards, so you cannot trust these sources too much. Make sure you do your research well instead of falling for these illegal breeders.

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