“Dedicated to the advancement of sugar glider medicine & stewardship for Veterinarians and the pet owners they serve.”



Sugar Glider Sugar Bear Bonding 2

As a pet owner, bonding with your sugar glider sugar bear is the most amazing experience you’ll have with them. Make sure that your breeder is USDA licensed and can provide you with detailed instructions and provide you with ongoing support programs to make this a rewarding experience.

The ideal time to start this bonding process is when your baby sugar glider sugar bear is between seven to twelve weeks out of the pouch, when you should play with them as much as possible. Being colony animals, sugar glider sugar bears bond surprisingly well with all family members and even other pets like cats and dogs and form a lasting relationship with each. Sugar glider sugar bears bond by smell, and you should take full advantage of this, like by making them sleep in a bonding pouch around your neck or by taking a cloth or fleece and rubbing it over everyone in the family and placing this inside their cage as a nesting cloth. As new owners, it is easy to get intimidated by your baby sugar glider sugar bear, but should be avoided to form a good bonding. You should remember that they can act pretty tough by can’t really harm you, so you should be loving and firm in dealing with their intimidation tactics like crabbing and striking. It is also very important that you hold your sugar glider sugar bear properly. You should put your baby sugar glider sugar bears in smaller starter cages so that it is easy to pick them up. Also, you should avoid putting a hanging fleece pouch for them to sleep in, as they feel intimidated when you go to pick them up from these and can even bite you. Baby sugar glider sugar bears have varying personalities and therefore some may take longer to trust you than others. It is important that you don’t lose hope and persist in your efforts to bond with it, without giving up at any stage.

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